통계 > 요약 > 빈도 분포...
Statistics > Summaries > Frequency distributions...

Linux 사례 (Ubuntu 18.04)
Linux 사례 (Ubuntu 18.04)

type 변수를 선택하고 예(OK)를 누른다. Prestige 데이터셋의 type 변수의 빈도를 보는 명령문이 다음과 같이 입력창에 기록되고 출력창에 빈도 정보가 출력된다:

Linux 사례 (Ubuntu 18.04) - 입력 창 기록
Linux 사례 (Ubuntu 18.04) - 출력창 출력결과


Q1> Prestige의 변수는 여러개가 있습니다. 그중에서 왜 type만 선택 창에 나오나요?


type 변수는 factor 유형입니다. 빈도는 factor 유형의 변수만 셀 수 있기 때문입니다.

> str(Prestige) # Prestige 데이터셋의 변수 유형 살펴보기

?table  # base 패키지의 table 도움말 보기

require(stats) # for rpois and xtabs
## Simple frequency distribution
table(rpois(100, 5))
## Check the design:
with(warpbreaks, table(wool, tension))
table(state.division, state.region)

# simple two-way contingency table
with(airquality, table(cut(Temp, quantile(Temp)), Month))

a <- letters[1:3]
table(a, sample(a))                    # dnn is c("a", "")
table(a, sample(a), deparse.level = 0) # dnn is c("", "")
table(a, sample(a), deparse.level = 2) # dnn is c("a", "sample(a)")

## xtabs() <-> as.data.frame.table() :
UCBAdmissions ## already a contingency table
DF <- as.data.frame(UCBAdmissions)
class(tab <- xtabs(Freq ~ ., DF)) # xtabs & table
## tab *is* "the same" as the original table:
all(tab == UCBAdmissions)
all.equal(dimnames(tab), dimnames(UCBAdmissions))

a <- rep(c(NA, 1/0:3), 10)
table(a)                 # does not report NA's
table(a, exclude = NULL) # reports NA's
b <- factor(rep(c("A","B","C"), 10))
table(b, exclude = "B")
d <- factor(rep(c("A","B","C"), 10), levels = c("A","B","C","D","E"))
table(d, exclude = "B")
print(table(b, d), zero.print = ".")

## NA counting:
is.na(d) <- 3:4
d. <- addNA(d)
table(d.) # ", exclude = NULL" is not needed
## i.e., if you want to count the NA's of 'd', use
table(d, useNA = "ifany")

## "pathological" case:
d.patho <- addNA(c(1,NA,1:2,1:3))[-7]; is.na(d.patho) <- 3:4
## just 3 consecutive NA's ? --- well, have *two* kinds of NAs here :
as.integer(d.patho) # 1 4 NA NA 1 2
## In R >= 3.4.0, table() allows to differentiate:
table(d.patho)                   # counts the "unusual" NA
table(d.patho, useNA = "ifany")  # counts all three
table(d.patho, exclude = NULL)   #  (ditto)
table(d.patho, exclude = NA)     # counts none

## Two-way tables with NA counts. The 3rd variant is absurd, but shows
## something that cannot be done using exclude or useNA.
   table(OzHi = Ozone > 80, Month, useNA = "ifany"))
   table(OzHi = Ozone > 80, Month, useNA = "always"))
   table(OzHi = Ozone > 80, addNA(Month)))

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